How to Create a Podcast Script in 5 Steps [w/ Template]

Some podcasters write out every word, while others create an overview. There are even those who write down the title and absolutely nothing else. So, which podcast scripting is right? None of these alternatives is either best or wrong. A lot of podcasters go for something in-between.

Why does my program need a script?

A script is a handy tool for podcasting. It is a fully-customizable skeleton of your episode and a styling tool that guides you in producing the general feel of your program. Additionally, it makes certain your show streams well, is devoid of unnecessary pauses, and is natural-sounding.

Besides, if you hate to ad-lib, a script will keep you focused by reminding you what to say next and how to say it.

Here we share a few various methods to proceed. Try these techniques, play with them, and customize them to your complete satisfaction.

1. Write your script for speaking

Luckily, it is fairly simple to write a script for speaking. Merely compose as if you were talking aloud. That is, compose it in your voice with the flow of how you naturally talk, plus use words you would truly use. It needs to be the genuine you. By doing this, your script will be natural-sounding as opposed to sounding robotic.

2. Keep it succinct

You require a podcast script, but it does not have to be a super prolonged one. A short overview provides you room for growth and creativity while podcasting. It also permits you to stay natural-sounding. You can keep it brief by just integrating words and sentences you require, which guarantees that you are including the bottom lines of significance. It keeps you focused so you can get straight to the point.

3. Paint images with your words

This is as simple as helping your listeners picture what your podcast is all about. Provide visuals with your words. You can do this by including additional info for points of importance. It will help your audience to better comprehend what you are speaking about. Attempt using stories that are easy to connect to. You do not require to do this for each single point, however do make certain that you develop enough visualization so that your audience can understand what you are attempting to convey.

4. Offer yourself flexibility

Your flexibility when podcasting is essential. This includes including particular words, stories, topics, news, or anything you want to use in your script as a beginning indicate the conversation. The objective is to produce space to check out the thoughts you have about the subjects while podcasting. The more open and flexible you are the much easier it will be to come up with an interesting podcast. In a nutshell, include just content in your script that will allow for maximum liberty to add-to and expand on the subjects.

5. Make it your own

Every podcasters needs are different. Experienced podcasters might not need an in-depth script and even a script at all. Newbies, on the other hand, may require something more extensive and thoroughly planned out. They ought to be mindful not to get caught up in reading the script as that can be rather uninteresting for listeners.

Depending upon your experience level and whether you are podcasting with visitors or a co-host, prepare a script that is useful and simple to follow. For instance, when podcasting with visitors develop a list of concerns and bottom lines in advance. By doing this your visitors will be prepared and know what to anticipate. If you are podcasting with a co-host strategy the episode in advance. Write out who ought to discuss what topic, how to hand off topics, as well as the over strategy of the episode to avoid confusion.

Podcast script design template

In order to help you better comprehend how to create a podcast script listed below we have included a sample template. You can tailor it as you wish to fit your requirements. For instance, in the case of an interview podcast swap out each topic with a concern for your guest.

Sponsor message
Musical jingle/sound results
Longer description of what’s in store
Subject 1

Bottom line
Supporting point
Supporting information
Supporting quote

Subject 2

Bottom line
Supporting point
Supporting data
Supporting quote

Sponsor message
Subject 3

Bottom line
Supporting point
Supporting data
Supporting quote

Call to action
Sponsor message
Musical jingle/sound results

Types of podcast scripts and formats

Prior to selecting a podcast format, it is a great idea to comprehend and analyze your personal interaction design. That way, it is simpler to produce a podcast script that works for you. Keep that in mind when examining the various types of podcast scripts. The advantage is that these script styles exist on a spectrum, which gives you the versatility and liberty to customize them as needed.

The bullet point technique

This format is frequently utilized by show hosts, particularly in shows that utilize freestyle small talk with guests or a co-host, like typically seen on radio shows. These scripts are easy to produce and offer sufficient structure to get the episode up and running.

The bullet point format is perfect for shows that have a co-host and/or regular visitor appearances and interviews.

Podcasters utilizing this format consist of:

Ad Age
Gilmore Guys


A versatile show structure that makes it simple for editing
Less preparation required compared to other approaches
Provides some structure with plenty of chance for ad-libbing and improvisation


Less structure means increased possibility of forgetting essential points, getting side-tracked, rambling, and so on

. This format deals with the requirements of the majority of podcasters and is suitable for podcasters who want more structure for their episodes. It includes an intro, sponsored ad, music jingle, an outro with closing remarks, plus segues where required. Essentially, it has all the structural components needed for a well-executed episode.

It is ideal for:

Interview-style podcasts
Shows with a co-host

Some of the podcasters using this technique include:

This American Life
Bulletproof Radio


Guarantees that the host covers the primary subjects, as well as, sub-topics of interest
Provides flow and structure to an episode, while still being casual


Takes more preparation and editing than freestyle approaches

While this format may not appropriate for all podcasters it does have it’s place. For the right audience and some specific niches (i.e. highly technical or medical) it has actually shown to be extremely valuable and sometimes necessary. You require to be careful with this format as it can come across as robotic and stiff.

Perfect for:

Much shorter, education or advice-oriented shows
Solo show podcasts
Audio dramas

Here are some podcasters utilizing this format:

The Bright Sessions
5 Minute Mondays


Adds professionalism and structure
Allows hosts to be self-assured as they have a pre-done script to follow


Can make the recording procedure complicated as this format does not leave space for versatility
It can take a lot of practice for hosts to find out the art of checking out a script naturally
Can extend the procedure of producing an episode

In conclusion

A podcast script is an important tool that helps you produce an expert show. Not to mention, taking your skills to another level whereby drawing in more listeners. When utilized well, a script not just provides you the versatility you need to interact successfully, however too guarantees that you sound natural while hitting all the key points in each episode. It offers structure and assistance. Attempt the various format types and find the one that is right for you.

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